Monthly Archives: October 2010

“I Believe Every Lift Can Be Executed in a Safe and Timely Manner”

Hello and welcome to SAFE LIFT USA! I am Kelley Osburn and have been associated with Crane & Rigging for twenty-five years as of 2014. I’m a third generation Operator/Rigger and literally cut teeth of a cable spool that my family used as a picnic table. I created SAFE LIFT USA blog to serve as a place to share my knowledge and experiences with my peers and Brother of the Boom!

My induction into the field came when I told my father I was ready to go to work, he had wanted me to attend a college but at the age of 17 I was tired of and cutting grass for money. Well the old man caught me right between the ears in the back of the head with a little hardback red book called “THE RIGGERS BIBLE” and said well you better read this and I did.


That little red book built a passion in me that is very much alive to this day!